Using the sensitivity of optical second harmonic generation to currents, we demonstrate the generation of 250-fs long spin current pulses in Fe=Au=Fe=MgOð001Þ spin valves. The temporal profile of these pulses indicates ballistic transport of hot electrons across a sub-100 nm Au layer. The pulse duration is primarily determined by the thermalization time of laser-excited hot carriers in Fe. Considering the calculated spin-dependent Fe=Au interface transmittance we conclude that a nonthermal spin-dependent Seebeck effect is responsible for the generation of ultrashort spin current pulses. The demonstrated rotation of spin polarization of hot electrons upon interaction with noncollinear magnetization at Au=Fe interfaces holds high potential for future spintronic devices. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.017202 Optimization and control of spin currents (SC) and their interaction with magnetic constituents in heterostructures on a femtosecond time scale is key for future terahertz spintronics applications. Although electronic transport through a ferromagnet (FM), as described by Mott's two current model [1], generates a spin-polarized current, its density is intrinsically limited by Joule losses. The discovery of the spin-dependent Seebeck effect (SdSE), where thermal gradients over a bulk FM [2] or across an interface to a normal metal [3] generate SCs, opened a path towards overcoming such limitations. Indeed, shortlived thermal gradients can produce short (∼100 ps) SC pulses at densities exceeding the static Joule limit, as recently demonstrated upon laser excitation of spin-valve structures [4].Creating highly energetic electrons [5][6][7][8][9], femtosecond laser excitation is promising for SC pulse generation on subpicosecond time scales, before the electron-electron [9] and electron-lattice [8] equilibration is reached.