A model of the asymmetric coherent scattering process (caused by initial atomic wave-packet splitting in the momentum space) taking place at the large detuning and adiabatic course of interaction for an effective two-state system interacting with a standing wave of laser radiation is discussed. We show that the same form of initial wave-packet splitting may lead to different, in general, diffraction patterns for opposite, adiabatic and resonant, regimes of the standing-wave scattering. We show that the scattering of the Gaussian wave packet in the adiabatic case presents refraction (a limiting form of the asymmetric scattering) in contrast to the bi-refringence (the limiting case of the high-order narrowed scattering) occurring in the resonant scattering. [20]. These efforts have led to advanced representations on the scattering of atoms by standing waves extending the diversity of the scenarios of interference occurring during the interaction of atoms with the field of optical lattices and, in general, mechanical action of light on the matter waves [21]- [25].The asymmetric scattering model employs secondary quantum-mechanical interference during interaction with the radiation field to achieve different intended target states. This interference is due to superposition initial states. It has been shown that the preparation of particles prior to interaction in specific (in general, optomechanically mixed) states is able to dramatically alter the interaction pattern [3]- [4]. A basic example of such a change is the strong asymmetry in the scattering pattern in the case when the atomic wave packet is initially split into two momentum peaks differing by an odd number of photon momenta [4]. Even more advanced are the various elaborate initial superposition states [3]-[8] that may result in a large amplitude coherent accumulation of the momentum on the internal energy levels caused by: single photon exchange [5], narrowing of the interference fringes of the diffraction pattern [7], standing-wave refraction of atoms with initial Gaussian distribution of amplitudes by momenta [11], etc. These effects suggest more flexibility in the control of atomic motion and hence can be useful in atom optics, in particular, in atom interferometric and atom nanolithographic applications (see, e.g., [26]).The peculiarities of asymmetric scattering are expressed further when dealing with the close neighborhood of exact resonance or when the fast switching on/off of a laser pulse is involved in the process. This is because, in these cases, stronger excitation of the system is achieved. Besides, the sudden inclusion of the interaction, an essentially non-adiabatic process, suggests more flexibility in choosing different preparation states. However, it is understood that many of the explored effects can also be observed in the adiabatic regime, i.e. at large detunings of the wave frequency and the slow course of the interaction. Since the adiabatic interaction schemes as a rule suggest more robust technologies, complementary discussions o...