We measure many-body interactions in isolated quantum dot states using double-quantum multidimensional coherent spectroscopy. Few states are probed in a diffraction limited spot, which is enabled by a novel collinear scheme in which radiated four-wave-mixing signals are measured with phase resolution. Many-body interactions are enhanced by an additional prepulse tuned to the delocalized quasi-continuum states. We propose this effect as a method for controlling coupling between quantum states. PACS numbers: 78.67.Hc, 78.47.nj Quantum dots (QDs) are often described as being noninteracting artificial atoms. Some optical spectroscopic experiments have been used to conclude that there are no measurable many-body interactions present for resonant excitation of interfacial ODs, which would support treating these QDs as non-interacting [1]. However, other optical techniques have yielded signatures of interactions between these QDs [2][3][4]. Outside of the spectroscopic differences, discrepancies exist regarding the presence of many-body effects in QD lasers [5]. The benefits of QD lasers arise from the discrete and narrow energy levels of QDs, but they are usually pumped by the injection of delocalized carriers [6]. Since many-body effects play a tremendous role in the theoretical treatment of semiconductors [7], it is important to understand the relevant interactions for calculating QD laser properties.Excitons and trions confined to QDs are potential candidates for qubits in quantum information [8][9][10]. The electronic states of a QD are accessible both optically and electronically. Also, the high oscillator strengths of electronic transitions in solid state systems facilitate their measurement and manipulation. Coherent control with ultrafast Rabi rotations has been demonstrated on both single and ensemble QD systems [11,12]. However, controlled qubit interaction remains one of the most challenging requirements for a functional quantum computer with few implementations for spin states in QDs [13,14] and none for the electronic states. The localization of excitons in QDs that gives them the benefit of being difficult to decohere also makes them difficult to entangle, or couple [15].Here we observe that the excitation of delocalized states not only enhances many-body effects, in agreement with theory [16], but can also turn them on. The physical mechanism responsible for enhancing many-body interactions in QDs may explain discrepancies in the literature. The mechanism may also be applied for turning on electronic coupling between isolated QD states.We use ultrafast coherent spectroscopy techniques to directly probe coupling and many-body interactions in a sub-micron-sized region containing a small number of distinct epitaxially-grown GaAs interfacial QDs at a temperature of 6 K. These interfacial QDs are exciton states bound by monolayer fluctuations in a narrow 4.2 nm GaAs quantum well with Al 0.3 Ga 0.7 As barriers [17]. The decreased transverse confinement binds the localized excitons by 10 meV, which energetic...