Energy transfer in photosynthetic light harvesting complexes (LHCs) has attracted much interest because of its technological potential in solar cell applications and a recent proposal that quantum coherence might play a role in achieving energy transfer of extraordinarily high efficiency.1 Among various natural photosynthetic LHCs, chlorosomes are the largest and the most efficient LHCs found in nature.
2Chlorosomes consist of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c, d, e, and f molecules self-assembled into supramolecular J-type aggregates without any protein, which is in contrast to other pigment-protein LHCs. This unique architecture allows us to easily synthesize chlorosomes and their chemically modified analogs, which can be used as building elements of artificial photosynthesis.3 On the other hand, the large size of chlorosome prevents the determination of its supramolecular structural organization at the molecular level, and the exact arrangement of BChl molecules in chlorosome is still in controversy with the proposed models of curved lamellar structures and/or multi-layered rolls.
4,5Pump-probe polarization anisotropy probes the time evolution of the transition dipole orientation of photoexcited molecules in real time using a pair of linearly polarized laser pulses separated by a time delay. In particular, when the measurement is performed for an ensemble of molecules, the average orientation of the transition dipoles of individual molecules is obtained. Therefore, this technique has been mainly used for measuring the rotational diffusion dynamics of molecules, but it can also effectively probe the dynamics of excitation energy transfer in multi-chromophore systems such as conjugated polymers and photosynthetic LHCs. Especially, pump-probe polarization anisotropy is one of the methods that can uniquely detect electronic coherence created among the excited states, which is considered to play an important role in efficient energy transfer of molecular aggregates, in the form of coherent oscillations superimposed on its decay. Previously, pump-probe polarization anisotropy has been applied to various types of chlorosomes. 8,9 From those studies, two major decay components were identified on the time scales of ~1 ps and ~10 ps. These kinetic components were attributed to layer-to-layer (or roll-to-roll) energy transfer and/or energy transfer from chlorosome to the baseplate. However, although it was reported that ultrafast energy transfer occurs on sub-ps time scale in chlorosomes, 9,10 any faster decay dynamics of polarization anisotropy have not been reported yet, partly due to limited time resolution (> 100 fs) of the previous studies. In this work, in order to probe the dynamics of excitation energy transfer on ultrafast time scale, we apply pump-probe polarization anisotropy to chlorosome from Chlorobaculum (Cba.) limnaeum using the laser pulses of 15 fs duration.The details of the pump-probe polarization anisotropy experiment performed at room temperature are described in the Supporting Information (SI). Figure ...