Intergranular slow crack growth in zirconia polycrystal is described with a cohesive zone model that simulate mechanically the reaction-rupture mechanism underlying stress and environmentally assisted failure. A 2D polycrystal is considered with cohesive surfaces inserted along the grain boundaries. The anisotropic elastic modulus and grain-to-grain misorientation are accounted for together with an initial stress state related to the processing. A minimum load threshold is shown to originate from the onset of the reaction-rupture mechanism to proceed where a minimum traction is reached locally and from the magnitude of the initial compression stresses. This work aims at providing reliable predictions in long lasting applications of ceramics. c ⃝ Zirconia has been one of the most important ceramics used in various domains as thermal barriers, coatings, and in medical applications. Their intrinsic advantages are wear chemical inertness and resistance. However, zirconia is prone to a delayed damage mechanism that results in slow crack growth (SCG). This mechanism is environmentally assisted by the presence of water at the crack tip and along the grain boundaries, which reduces the energy necessary for failure. Characterization of SCG is achieved by studying the variation of the crack velocity under different load level. It is show experimentally, 1-3 that beyond a load threshold K 0 , SCG takes place at a velocity that increases with load (regime I). Regime I depends on temperature (T ) and water concentration (r H2O ). 2 Increasing the water concentration induced a shift in the V -K I curve with an increase in the crack velocity at a given load K I and a decrease in the magnitude of K 0 . The same trend is observed when increasing the temperature with an additional decreasing of the threshold K 0 . The slope of the regime I in the V -K I curve is not affected by the environment but the kinetics of SCG (velocity, K 0 ) are strongly dependent on the magnitude of the mechanical load, water concentration and temperature. The present study aims at predicting the load threshold K 0 and the regime I of the V -K I curve and at providing insight of how the crack arrest originates. The mechanism underlying SCG is described with a cohesive model that represents the reaction-rupture mechanism. A thermally activated formulation is adopted for the cohesive model which is presented by Romero de la Osa et al. 4,5 It is shown that the formulation can capture the regime I and the load threshold that originates in the a) Corresponding author. lgV K I K I 0 I 0 T, r II III H O 2 Fig. 1. Schematic description of SCG in terms of crack velocity V versus load level KI.presence of initial stress related to the processing. In this section, a cohesive zone model (CZM) for the reaction-rupture mechanism underlying SCG in single and polycrystal ceramics is presented based on the description of SCG by Michalske and Freiman. 6 Basically, the breakdown of the siloxane bond under tension is assisted by the presence of water molecule for the forma...