Abstract. We prove a K-resolution theorem for simply connected CWcomplexes K in extension theory in the class of metrizable compacta X. This means that if K is a connected CW-complex, G is an abelian group, n ∈ N ≥2 , G = π n (K), π k (K) = 0 for 0 ≤ k < n, and extdim X ≤ K (in the sense of extension theory, that is, K is an absolute extensor for X), then there exists a metrizable compactum Z and a surjective map π : Z → X such that:
This implies the G-resolution theorem for arbitrary abelian groupsIf in addition π n+1 (K) = 0, then (a) can be replaced by the stronger statement, (aa) π is K-acyclic.To say that a map π is K-acyclic means that for each x ∈ X, every map of the fiber π −1 (x) to K is nullhomotopic.