Abstract. In this paper, we study a homotopy invariant cat (X, B, [ω]) on a pair (X, B) of finite CW complexes with respect to the cohomology class of a continuous closed 1-form ω. This is a generalisation of a Lusternik-Schnirelmann-category-type cat(X, [ω]), developed by Farber in [3,4], studying the topology of a closed 1-form. This paper establishes the connection with the original notion cat(X, [ω]) and obtains analogous results on critical points and homoclinic cycles. We also provide a similar 'cuplength' lower bound for cat (X, B, [ω]).2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 55M30; Secondary: 58E05, 37C29.1. Introduction. Michael Farber [3, 4] initiated a systematic study of a generalisation of the classical Lusternik-Schnirelmann category with respect to a real cohomology class ξ of degree 1, cat(X, ξ), on a finite CW complex X. In [3] the power of such a notion is demonstrated in the study of the topology of critical points and the existence of homoclinic cycles on a closed manifold. Compared to the Morse inequalities of a Morse closed 1-form, cat(X, ξ) is applicable to more degenerate conditions, but, in general, it is harder to compute. In [6,8] Farber and Schütz improve the previous results and give more detailed insights on this issue.In this paper, we generalise the controlled version of the above notion to the relative case on a finite CW pair (X, B), which coincides with the absolute one when the subset B is empty. In particular, Section 2 introduces the definition of this relative category cat(X, B, ξ), and in Section 3 we describe the immediate properties of the object. As a main result, we obtain the inequality relating the relative categories for the three pairs of a triple. We summarise this in the following theorem: