Abstract. We show that unit O Λ F,X -modules of Emerton and Kisin provide an analogue of locally constant sheaves in the context of Böckle-Pink Λ-crystals. For example they form a tannakian category if the coefficient algebra Λ is a field. Our results hold for a big class of coefficien algebras which includes Drinfeld rings, and for arbitary locally noetherian base schemes.
IntroductionLet q be a prime power, F q a field with q elements. For an F q -scheme X, and a commutative F q -algebra Λ, Böckle and Pink [1] introduced the category of Λ-crystals on X which is in many ways analogous to the category ofétale constructible sheaves of Λ-modules. Let us recall the definitions.Definition 0.1 (Böckle-Pink [1]). Let X be an F q -scheme, Λ a commutative F qalgebra. Let F be the endomorphism of Spec Λ × Fq X which acts as identity on Spec Λ, and as the absolute q-Frobenius on X. Let O Λ X denote the structure sheaf of Spec Λ × Fq X.(1) An O Λ F,X -module is a pair (M, ϕ), where M is an O Λ X -module, and ϕ :F,X -modules is called a nilisomorphism if its kernel, and cokernel are nilpotent.(3) The category Crys(X, Λ) of Λ-crystals on X is the localization of the category of O Λ F,X -modules which are O Λ X -coherent at the multiplicative system of nilisomorphisms.The connection with constructible sheaves is provided by the following result of Böckle and Pink. Let Sh(Xé t , Λ) be the category ofétale sheaves of Λ-modules. Define a functor ε : µ(X, Λ) → Sh(Xé t , Λ) by ε(M, ϕ)(u : U → X) = Hom µ(U,Λ) (O Λ U , 1), (u * M, u * ϕ) . Since ε transforms nil-isomorphisms to isomorphisms ([1] propostion 10.1.7 (b)) one gets a functor ε : Crys(X, Λ) → Sh(Xé t , Λ).