In this last article of the series on outer actions of a countable discrete amenable group on approximately finite-dimensional factors, we analyze outer actions of a countable discrete free abelian group on an approximately finite-dimensional factor of type III λ with 0 < λ < 1 and compute outer conjugacy invariants. As a byproduct, we discover the asymmetrization technique for coboundary condition on a -ޔvalued cocycle of a torsion-free abelian group, which might have been known by group cohomologists. As the asymmetrization technique gives us a very handy criterion for coboundaries, we present it here in detail.
IntroductionThis article concludes the series 2004;2007] on the outer conjugacy classification of outer actions of a countable discrete amenable group on an approximately finite-dimensional (AFD) factor, by examining outer actions of a countable discrete abelian group G on an AFD factor R λ of type III λ MSC2000: primary 46L55; secondary 46L35, 46L40, 20J06. Keywords: outer action, outer conjugacy, cohomology of group, asymmetrization. 57 58 YOSHIKAZU KATAYAMA AND MASAMICHI TAKESAKI with 0 < λ < 1. Prior to the outer conjugacy classification theory, the cocycle conjugacy classification theory of actions of a countable discrete amenable group on an AFD factor had been completed through the work of many mathematicians over three decades; see [Connes 1977;1976b;1975;Jones 1980;Jones and Takesaki 1984; Ocneanu 1985;Katayama et al. 1998;1997;Kawahigashi et al. 1992;Sutherland and Takesaki 1985;1989;]. Unlike the general classification program in operator algebras, the outer conjugacy classification of a countable discrete amenable group on R λ is almost smooth, as shown in our series of previous work; see [Katayama and Takesaki 2007]. The only nonsmooth part of the classification theory stems from the classification of subgroups N of G; for instance, the classification of subgroups of a torsionfree abelian group of higher rank is nonsmooth. See [Sutherland 1985] for the Borel parameterization of polish groups. When the modular automorphism part N =α −1 (Cnt r (M)) of the outer actionα of G on R λ is fixed, the set of invariants becomes a compact abelian group. This is a rare case in the theory of operator algebras. So we are encouraged to make a concrete analysis of outer conjugacy classes of a countable discrete amenable group. Of course, without having a concrete data on the group G involved, we cannot make a fine analysis. So we take a countable discrete free abelian group G and study its outer actions on R λ and identify the invariants completely. The justification of this restriction rests on the fact that all outer actions of a countable discrete abelian group A can be viewed as outer actions of G by pulling back the outer action via the quotient map G → A. Thanks to all hard analytic work on the cocycle conjugacy classification in the past, as cited in the references, our work is very algebraic and indeed done by cohomological computations.We will begin by relating the discrete core of R λ and the...