Let G be a finite group and k be a field of characteristic p > 0. A cohomology class ζ ∈ H n (G, k) is called productive if it annihilates Ext * kG (L ζ , L ζ ). We consider the chain complex P(ζ) of projective kG-modules which has the homology of an (n − 1)-sphere and whose k-invariant is ζ under a certain polarization. We show that ζ is productive if and only if there is a chain map ∆ : P(ζ) → P(ζ) ⊗ P(ζ) such that (id ⊗ )∆ id and ( ⊗ id)∆ id. Using the Postnikov decomposition of P(ζ) ⊗ P(ζ), we prove that there is a unique obstruction for constructing a chain map ∆ satisfying these properties. Studying this obstruction more closely, we obtain theorems of Carlson and Langer on productive elements.
IntroductionLet G be a finite group and k be a field of characteristic p > 0. Let ζ ∈ H n (G, k) denote a nonzero cohomology class of degree n, where n 1. Associated to ζ, there is a unique kG-module homomorphismζ : Ω n k → k and the kG-module L ζ is defined as the kernel of this homomorphism. A cohomology class ζ is called productive if it annihilates the cohomology ring Ext * kG (L ζ , L ζ ). In this paper, we study the conditions for a cohomology class to be productive. Under the usual identification of H n (G, k) with the group U n (k, k) of n-fold kGmodule extensions of k by k, the cohomology class ζ is the extension class of an extension of the form