“…To demonstrate the dynamics of the spread through interactions, 158 papers simulated the disease transmission via regular or modified SIR-or SEIR-based ABMs, where the labelled states of individuals are Susceptible, Infected, Recovered, Dead (SIRD) (Alsaeed et al, 2020;Mahmood et al, 2020) or Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered, Dead (SEIRD) (Benneyan et al, 2021;Gharakhanlou & Hooshangi, 2020). Some papers also introduced more COVID-19 states, such as asymptomatic (Almagor & Picascia, 2020;Head et al, 2021;Koehler et al, 2021;Moghadas et al, 2021;Talekar et al, 2020), mild and severe symptoms (Alagoz et al, 2020;Zhang, Vilches, et al, 2020) and hospitalized (Nguyen et al, 2021; F I G U R E 1 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow chart for systematic review of using simulation models to help contain COVID-19. ABM, agent-based model; DES, discrete event simulation; HS, hybrid simulation; SDM, system dynamics model Palomo-Briones et al, 2021;Son & RISEWIDs Team, 2020;Tadi c & Melnik, 2020;Xu et al, 2021).…”