Knowledge of the magnetic field of a nerve is of interest for the application of external electromagnetic therapy to regenerate injured nerves. The aim of this work is to the theoretical study of the magnetic field generated in the nerves when they act as current conductors and thus determine how their hyperbolic curves are, within the concept of hyperbolic medicine. Using Internet search engines and various databases (Medline, Google Scholar, Researchgate, Scielo), a bibliographic review of scientific papers related to the electromagnetic field generated in the nerves, when they act as current conductors, has been carried out. For this work we use, theoretically, the right-hand rule in electromagnetism. So, we apply it to a model nerve, to determine what its hyperbolic magnetic field is like. The conclusions are: a) Hyperbolic curves are very common in nature and human physiology. The lines of force of an electromagnetic field act on human physiology through hyperbolic curves. b) Human physiology and a nerve can be divided into smaller fragments like a magnet do and maintain their same characteristics. c) A nerve fragment is a conducting wire of electric current that generates a transversal magnetic field, according to the right-hand rule in electromagnetism. That magnetic field has hyperbolic lines of force that follow a counterclockwise helical path.