Atomic absorption and emission spectrography are the methods of analysis most widely used in geochemical exploration. Development of nonflame atomizers, particularly electrothermal devices and reduction cells for atom and metal-hydride generation, has expanded the application of atomic absorption spectrometry by pushing detection limits of many elements well into the parts per billion range and by reducing detection limits for others, such as As, Se, Te, and Sn, to levels useful in lithogeochemical surveys. The recent promotion of inductively-coupled plasma sources for excitation, as well as other variations, such as use of echelle gratings, has increased the number of available spectrographic methods for multielement surveys and has simplified the application of partial extraction techniques in emission spectrography. Other methods that require mass spectrometers and gas chromatographs are being used to measure volatile indicator elements and compounds such as helium and sulphur gases. Analytical techniques, including those based on voltammetry, ion-selective electrodes, and the use of partial or selective extractions, are finding increased application as analytical tools and as aids in determining metal speciation better to understand geochemical processes of dispersion and concentration. Current interest in uranium exploration has sparked a major effort to develop new analytical methods or improve existing ones for the determination of uranium and related radionuclides. Exploration geologists may now choose conventional fluorimetry, delayed neutron counting, X-ray fluorescence, laser-induced fluorescence, and nuclear-fission track techniques for the determination of uranium. The choice will depend on sensitivity required, sample media being analyzed, chemical species of the uranium to be determined, turnaround time required, and cost considerations. Two of the methods described, conventional fluorimetry and laser-induced fluorescence, can be adapted for use in the field. While recent developments of new techniques and apparatus have greatly expanded the number of usefUl analytical techniques in exploration geochemistry, each has its own problems and limitations as well as its applications. A panacea for analytical problems does not yet exist, except perhaps in the person of the skilled analyst, whose ingenuity in developing and applying new methods augments diligent application of tried and true procedures. Resume Pour l'exploration geochimique, les methodes d'analyse les plus frequemment employees sont la spectrophotometrie d'absorption atomique et la spectrographie d'emission. La mise au point de methodes spectrophotometriques sans flamme, en particulier d'appareils electrothermiques et de cellules reductrices permettant d'obtenir des atomes et des hydrures metalliques, a elargi les applications de la spectrophotometrie d'absorption atomique, en poussant les limites de detection de nombreux e1ements jusqu'a la gamme des parties par milliard, et en reduisant les limites de detection d'autres elements, comme A...