Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) from the model crop, Brachypodium distachyon, allow freeze survival and attenuate pathogen-mediated ice nucleation. Intriguingly, each Brachypodium AFP gene encodes two proteins, an autonomous AFP and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR). We present structural models suggesting that ice-binding motifs on the ~13 kDa AFPs can "spoil" nucleating arrays on the ~120 kDa bacterial ice nucleating proteins that form ice at high sub-zero temperatures, consistent with decreases in ice nucleating activity by lysates from wildtype compared to transgenic Brachypodium lines. Strikingly, the expression of Brachypodium LRRs in transgenic Arabidopsis inhibited an immune response to pathogen flagella peptides (flg22), with structural modelling suggesting this was due to affinity of the LRR domains to flg22. Thus, these genes play distinctive roles in connecting freeze survival and anti-pathogenic systems via their encoded proteins' ability to adsorb to ice as well as attenuating bacterial ice nucleation and the host immune response.