Purpose. The aim of the paper is to study spatial characteristics of the cold intermediate layer (CIL) after its waters were renewed due to the cold winter, using analysis of the data obtained during the Black Sea expedition in June 14 – July 3, 2017 (the 95th cruise of R/V “Professor Vodyanitsky”). Methods and Results. The data both from the CTD-measurements by the SBE911+ probe and the current velocity profile measurements by the Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) were used. Isopycnic averaging of the profile ensembles was applied to obtain the averaged characteristics of the water vertical thermohaline structure. During the measurement period, the minimum average temperature of the CIL core was 7.2°C at the density value 14.5 kg/m3 . The layer upper boundary (according to the 8°C criterion) corresponded to the density value 14.3 kg/m3 , its lower one – to 15.0 kg/m3 . CIL water formation was most pronounced in the vicinity of the Rim Current, which was clearly seen on the isopycnic surfaces 14.6, and 15.0 kg/m3 . According to the measurements, the main mass of CIL waters was identified in the Rim Current and in its right part (on the coast side). The CIL maximum thickness was 60 m and the vertical position of its core corresponded to the 40–100 m depth. Conclusions. The synchronous profiles of current velocity, temperature, salinity, and density obtained in the Black Sea expedition in summer, 2017 made it possible to analyze the waters thermohaline structure with the regard for real dynamic situation. As a result, the CIL parameters, its spatial scales and position relative to the Rim Current were determined with due regard for the features of the density field structure in summer, 2017. This information can be useful for model verification and numerical experiments aimed at studying the mechanisms and the areas of CIL formation in the Black Sea