DOI: 10.19206/ce-2020-204
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Cold start emissions from a gasoline engine in RDE tests at different ambient temperatures

Abstract: The implementation of the 3rd package of the RDE test procedure has extended the test method by considering emissions from a cold start period into the total exhaust emissions from a vehicle. The article presents the research results of exhaust emissions of a vehicle equipped with a gasoline engine. The tests were carried out at two different ambient temperatures, in line with the requirements of the RDE test procedure for passenger cars, meeting the Euro 6d-Temp emissions standard. The obtained results were a… Show more

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Cited by 8 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 24 publications
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“…This means that in the case of an increased fuel dose in these ambient conditions (average starting temperature of 23 • C), the growth of fuel in the combustion chamber causes a greater demand for electrical power, i.e., the starter must perform more work than in the case of starting the engine with the nominal fuel dose. It should be remembered that temperature has a significant impact on the start-up process of combustion engines, which is confirmed by numerous publications [71,79,106,107]. Analyzing the course of the parameters in the graph in Figure 5, it can be seen that in the case of an increased dose of FD2 fuel (second series), higher values of the maximum starting power occurred, which confirms the obtained values of the previously analyzed electrical start-up parameters.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 82%
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“…This means that in the case of an increased fuel dose in these ambient conditions (average starting temperature of 23 • C), the growth of fuel in the combustion chamber causes a greater demand for electrical power, i.e., the starter must perform more work than in the case of starting the engine with the nominal fuel dose. It should be remembered that temperature has a significant impact on the start-up process of combustion engines, which is confirmed by numerous publications [71,79,106,107]. Analyzing the course of the parameters in the graph in Figure 5, it can be seen that in the case of an increased dose of FD2 fuel (second series), higher values of the maximum starting power occurred, which confirms the obtained values of the previously analyzed electrical start-up parameters.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 82%
“…This part presents the obtained test results for the following start-up parameters: the maximum current consumed by the starter at the beginning of the start-up-Imax, the minimum voltage at the beginning of the start-up-Umin, maximum instantaneous starting power-Pmax, average starting power-Pmed, and starter operating time-ts. Start-up tests were carried out at ambient temperature, which is widely used in the literature [26,79,106]. The value of the injector opening pressure in both measurement series was 26 MPa.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Але вона має на меті не діагностику технічного стану конкретного двигуна в експлуатації, а найчастіше конструкторські роботи з поліпшення пускових характеристик двигуна [8], визначення пускової подачі палива [9], оцінку шкідливих викидів і т.д. [10].…”
Section: аналіз публікаційunclassified
“…In order to ensure even more representative results, a second test procedure is introduced, which is called the RDE (Real Driving Emissions Test) [23]. It requires that cars be tested on the road under conditions that more closely reflect real-world scenarios on the road in order to measure real fuel consumption and real exhaust emissions [41].…”
Section: Road Testsmentioning
confidence: 99%