Background: Prior to 1973, homosexuality was considered a mental disorder. Gay Rights Movement in European-Western world, controversial variegated theories and political all out efforts ultimately removed homosexuality from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-I&II) with highly conflicting consequences to major religions of the world.
Objective: This study aimed to overview gay behavior and described a single case with assaults and mixed emotions of gay activities at younger age who visited psychiatric clinics for consultation and treatment of gay behavior.
Methods: Electronic searches of relevant literature were conducted for retrieving most influential articles published in PubMed, Google Scholar and ScienceDirect using keywords and Boolean Operators and following eligibility criteria retained 54 articles. We comprehensively evaluated this case in outpatient clinic and systematically administered 12 sessions of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).
Results: Currently, the diagnostic terms in terms of sexual and transgender identity disorder are used to address the problems of gay people in DSM or high risk homosexual behavior having problems with lifestyle in International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). One person with chronic passive gay behavior with distressful aversion at later stage presented to the psychiatric clinic, expressed strong desire and motivation to change it, and after 12 CBT sessions improved and began to enjoy heterosexual life.
Conclusion: Although homosexuality fully derecognized in two major diagnostic classification systems of mental disorders across the world, some persons with agonizing and painful gay symptoms and psychiatric disorders and addictions to various substances eventually seek help from mental health professionals who manage them by diverse interventions resulting in better outcome and good quality of life including marital stability. Therefore, gay people presenting with psychological conditions or distressful behaviors need mental health services for changing their gay to heterosexual style and simultaneously addressing mental and physical disorders globally.