The study investigates the influence of eco-innovation on business resilience in the hotel and tourism industry, focusing on green dynamic capabilities as a mediator. 323 responses were collected from top and middle-level management at five-star hotels and category-A travel agencies in Egypt. Using the WarpPLS software 7.0, the PLS-SEM technique was used to evaluate the hypothesized model of the study. Findings revealed that eco-innovation positively affects business resilience and green dynamic capabilities. In addition, green dynamic capabilities positively affect business resilience. Moreover, green dynamic capabilities mediate the relationship between eco-innovation and business resilience. The study enhances and broadens the comprehension of dynamic capabilities theory in the context of tourism and hospitality businesses. The study also helps tourism and hospitality businesses by emphasizing the importance of integrating green dynamic capabilities into tourism and hospitality businesses' operations, thereby enhancing their competitive edge and long-term resilience.