Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology - DESRIST '09 2009
DOI: 10.1145/1555619.1555622
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Collaborative social modeling for designing a patient wellness tracking system in a nurse-managed health care center

Abstract: There has been an increasing need for developing health information systems for improving clinical processes and outcomes. Deeply understanding and accurately capturing the information needs of the stakeholders is crucial to successfully designing and deploying such a system. Empirical study on "effective" methodologies for requirements analysis for information system design is one of the important aspects in design science research in information systems. In this paper, we present our case study on exploring … Show more

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Cited by 15 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…The researchers' role has been to support the centre's information technology needs, including the development of an electronic record system that reflects the transdisciplinary model of care. 7,8 The immediate impetus for this study, however, was the recognition that the centre's health information services were underdeveloped. Based on a preliminary needs assessment, the researchers found that the centre was experiencing difficulty communicating clinical information to its patients and was interested in exploring email and web-based options.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The researchers' role has been to support the centre's information technology needs, including the development of an electronic record system that reflects the transdisciplinary model of care. 7,8 The immediate impetus for this study, however, was the recognition that the centre's health information services were underdeveloped. Based on a preliminary needs assessment, the researchers found that the centre was experiencing difficulty communicating clinical information to its patients and was interested in exploring email and web-based options.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The unemployment rate among residents of the community is 49%, and the median family income of less than $13 000 is the lowest in Philadelphia. The researchers’ role has been to support the centre’s information technology needs, including the development of an electronic record system that reflects the transdisciplinary model of care 7,8 . The immediate impetus for this study, however, was the recognition that the centre’s health information services were underdeveloped.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The i* framework [38][39] was developed for analyzing early requirements by modeling and reasoning about the socio-technical environments in an organization. The framework consists of two main modeling components: the Strategic Dependency (SD) model and the Strategic Rationale (SR) model.…”
Section: Participatory Designmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, four approaches were identified as possible candidates for EIS goal analysis: GSN [12], KAOS [13], GBRAM [2], and i * [3]. i * is a well-known approach that has been applied to health care [1]; it claims to encourage the involvement of stakeholders in requirement analysis, and to help the developers to achieve deep understanding of the domain; however, it proved difficult to adapt i * to the level of EIS goal analysis. GSN is a goal-structuring notation used for presenting the structure of arguments, for example in safety certification, and has been applied in research contexts to requirements analysis [9].…”
Section: Goal-oriented Approachesmentioning
confidence: 99%