With connected and autonomous vehicles, no optimal standard or framework currently exists, outlining the right level of information sharing for cooperative autonomous driving. Cooperative Perception is proposed among vehicles, where every vehicle is transformed into a moving sensor platform that is capable of sharing information collected using its on-board sensors. This helps extend the line of sight and field of view of autonomous vehicles, which otherwise suffer from blind spots and occlusions. This increase in situational awareness promotes safe driving over a short range and improves traffic flow efficiency over a long range. I'm deeply indebted to my graduate advisor and mentor, Dr.Azim Eskandarian for having provided me, the opportunity to work with him and learn from his years of experience on Intelligent Vehicles Research. I'm grateful for all the insight, both technical and on the general nature of research, and for his constant motivation, patience and optimism, which kept me going. He steered me in the right direction when necessary, but also provided the freedom that empowered me to develop independent ideas. I thank Dr.John Ferris and Dr.Saied Taheri for serving as my graduate thesis committee members, for their expert feedback and for reviewing this work to completeness. I am also indebted to Dr.John Ferris for his guidance and advice during my time at Virginia Tech. I'm thankful to all my labmates at the ASIM Lab, especially Dr.Yuan Lin for his contribution in developing the initial indoor test-track and positioning system and Dr.Lirong Wang for her feedback and advice. I'm grateful to my friends and colleagues for all the motivation, technical insight and support in much needed moments. I thank Savio Pereira for the detailed discussions that helped refine the idea. I thank my professors at Virginia Tech for equipping me with the necessary background for carrying out this research. I'm also thankful to the ME Department Staff, who always had the time and a solution, for all my queries, that helped complete this project on time. Lastly, I'm grateful to my parents for having believed in me. None of this would have seen the light of day, if not for them. They were a source of endless emotional support and their love, assurance and motivation kept me working through thick and thin and succeed in Graduate school.