Dr. Yujian Fu is an associate professor of computer science department at Alabama A&M University. Her research interests fall in formal verification of cyber physical systems, behavioral analysis of mobile security, software architecture and design analysis of safety-critical and mission-critical systems. Her projects are supported by NSF, Air Force and DoD. She have several publications regarding to the research and educational projects. Clarkep@cis.fiu.edu
AbstractGamification is a new emerging pedagogical technique in higher education to engage students into a non-game context during the last five years. A cyber enabled learning environment can provide a collaborative and sustainable platform for learners to continue studying outside the classroom and lecturing time. In this paper, we describe the design mechanisms of gamification used in a software testing cyber enabled learning environment, named WReSTT-CyLE (Web-Based Repository of Software Testing Tutorials -a Cyberlearning Environment) and the experimental results of class studies at Alabama A&M University. As a highly integrated online learning tool, other than gamification technology, WReSTT-CyLE synthesizes several key concepts including social interaction, collaborative learning, and learning objects to support student learning of software testing concepts effectively and efficiently. This work focuses on the design architecture of gamification, assessment, and analysis of the effectiveness of WReSTTCyLE based on our study results.