For a metric space (X, d) and a scale parameter r ≥ 0, the Vitoris-Rips complex VR(X; r) is a simplicial complex on vertex set X, where a finite set σ ⊆ X is a simplex if and only if diameter of σ is at most r. For n ≥ 1, let In denotes the n-dimensional hypercube graph. In this paper, we show that VR(In; 3) has non trivial reduced homology only in dimensions 4 and 7. Therefore, we answer a question posed by Adamaszek and Adams recently.A (finite) simplicial complex ∆ is d-collapsible if it can be reduced to the void complex by repeatedly removing a face of size at most d that is contained in a unique maximal face of ∆. The collapsibility number of ∆ is the minimum integer d such that ∆ is d-collapsible. We show that the collapsibility number of VR(In; r) is 2 r for r ∈ {2, 3}.