The rat molar has become an important model for studies of interactions between nerves and the pulp-dentin complex, yet there is only limited quantitative information on the number and size distribution of axons entering the roots of this tooth. This study was undertaken to provide such a detailed characterization of the apical innervation of the rat molar. An additional objective was to compare the apical nerve composition of young, recently erupted rat molars with that of mature teeth in order to determine whether there is ongoing maturation of the innervation after the teeth have attained functional occlusion. A complete census was made of the nerve fibers entering the roots of both mature and recently erupted juvenile mandibular first molars in Sprague-Dawley rats. Each of the four roots of the first molars was processed for electron microscopy of thin sections near the apex. The majority of intradental nerve fibers entered the molar via the two larger (mesial and distal) roots. Within the apical root pulp, most, but not all, axons occurred within well-defined fascicles associated with blood vessels. Molars from adult animals (age 4 months) had a mean total of 232 (S.D. = 49, N = 7 teeth) myelinated fibers and 806 (S.D. = 143) unmyelinated axons entering the four roots. Fibers exceeding the A delta size range (circumference > or = 19 microns) accounted for only 4% of the myelinated axons at the apex. Molars from juvenile animals (age 4 weeks) had fewer myelinated fibers (mean 176, S.D. 18, N = 8), but more unmyelinated axons (mean 1,174, S.D. 160) than adults. The mean ratio of unmyelinated axons to myelinated axons was 6.6:1 for juveniles compared to 3.5:1 for adults. Juvenile teeth contained no myelinated fibers that exceeded 19 microns in circumference. These results indicate that the innervation of the rat molar resembles that of teeth of non-rodent mammals in that (1) innervation density is high, (2) there is a high ratio of unmyelinated axons, and (3) most of the myelinated fibers are of thin caliber. Furthermore, it appears that after the molar erupts, maturation of the nerve fiber composition continues with processes that include both a marked decrease in the number of unmyelinated axons and an increase in the number and size heterogeneity of myelinated fibers.