In 1997, Homeswest in western Australia and Murdoch University developed a project to construct low-allergen houses (LAHs) in a newly developed suburb. Before the construction of LAHs, all potential volatile organic compound (VOC) emission materials used in LAHs are required to be measured to ensure that they are low total VOC (TVOC) emission materials. This program was developed based on this purpose.In recent times, the number of complaints about indoor air pollution caused by VOCs has increased. A number of surveys of indoor VOCs have indicated that many indoor materials contribute to indoor air pollution. Although some studies have been conducted on the characteristics of VOC emissions from adhesives, most of them were focused on IMPLICATIONS This paper evaluates the emissions of TVOCs from adhesives based on chamber tests. The conclusions obtained in this paper can be used to (1) classify adhesive products according to their emission potential; (2) expand an emissions inventory that can be used to predict indoor air quality; and (3) evaluate the contribution of the emissions of a given product to the overall indoor concentrations of VOCs. Therefore, the emission data obtained in this kind of research are important for estimating exposure to VOCs emitted in the indoor environment and especially for the design of methods to reduce exposure through selecting appropriate building and furnishing materials and household products.VOC emissions from floor adhesives. Few measurements of VOC emissions from adhesives used for wood, fabrics, and leather are available. Furthermore, most research on VOC emissions from adhesives has been done in countries with cool climates, where ventilation rates in the indoor environment are lower than those in Mediterranean climates, due to energy conservation. VOCs emitted from adhesives have not been sufficiently researched to prepare an emission inventory to predict indoor air quality and to determine both exposure levels for the Australian population and the most appropriate strategies to reduce exposure.An environmental test chamber with controlled temperature, relative humidity, and airflow rate was used to evaluate emissions of TVOCs from three adhesives used frequently in Australia. The quantity of TVOC emissions was measured by a gas chromatography/flame ionization detector. The primary VOCs emitted from each adhesive were detected by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.The temporal change of TVOC concentrations emitted from each adhesive was tested. A double-exponential equation was then developed to evaluate the characteristics of TVOC emissions from these three adhesives. With this double-exponential model, the physical processes of TVOC emissions can be explained, and a variety of emission parameters can be calculated. These emission parameters could be used to estimate real indoor TVOC concentrations in Mediterranean climates.