In this paper, we reconsider the spin model suggested recently to understand some features of collective decision making among higher organisms [A.T. Hartnett et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 038701]. Within the model, the state of an agent i is described by the pair of variables corresponding to its opinion Si = ±1 and a bias ωitowards any of the opposing values of Si. Collective decision making is interpreted as an approach to the equilibrium state within the non-linear voter model subject to a social pressure and a probabilistic algorithm. Here, we push such physical analogy further and give the statistical physics interpretation of the model, describing it in terms of the Hamiltonian of interaction and looking for the equilibrium state via explicit calculation of its partition function. We show that depending on the assumptions about the nature of social interactions two different Hamiltonians can be formulated, which can be solved with different methods. In such an interpretation the temperature serves as a measure of fluctuations, not considered before in the original model. We find exact solutions for the thermodynamics of the model on the complete graph. The general analytical predictions are confirmed using individualbased simulations. The simulations allow us also to study the impact of system size and initial conditions in the collective decision making in finite-sized systems, in particular with respect to convergence to metastable states.