We have searched for valence neutron decoupling in 22 O, a phenomenon recently observed in neutron-rich C, B, and lighter O nuclei. From the cross section of the (d, d γ ) reaction for the transition between the ground state and the first 2 + state of 22 O, the neutron and proton deformation parameters have been deduced by distorted wave analysis using and reanalyzing the data of a previous Coulomb excitation measurement. The ratio of the neutron and proton multipole transition matrix elements M n /M p compared to the N/Z value has been derived to be around 1. This result indicates that the 22 O isotope has small and similar neutron and proton deformations, which is consistent with N = 14 shell closure. Thus, the concept of neutron decoupling does not hold for this nucleus. PACS number(s): 23.20. Js, 25.45.De, 27.30.+t During the last few years a deep interest has evolved to explore the unusual features of very neutron-rich nuclei. A possible dripline effect is the development of a thick neutron skin [1], the concept of which is needed also to interpret the Coulomb displacement energies in mirror nuclei [2]. Increasing the number of neutrons in a nucleus causes the nuclear radius to grow according to the A 1/3 rule, while the size of the proton distribution may remain nearly constant. Such a situation was found, e.g., in heavy Na isotopes, where a neutron skin of ∼0.4 fm was observed [3]. The consequence of a neutron skin may be special dripline features. According to theoretical calculations, the most specific excitation mode of nuclei with a thick neutron skin is the isoscalar quadrupole excitation of the skin, which is a large-amplitude motion decoupled from the rest of the nucleus [4,5]. Recently, as a result of incorporation of the continuum coupling into the quasiparticle random phase approximation, calculations predicted a surface neutron quadrupole mode associated with a bound 2 + state [6][7][8]. The strength of the neutron contribution is expected to be proportional to the number of neutrons in the neutron skin [6,7]. In self-consistent calculations, where the effect of the shell closure is also taken into account [8], a bell-shaped strength distribution as a function of mass is predicted similar to the mass dependence of the quadrupole electromagnetic transition probability, but the neutron strength is calculated to be several times larger than the electromagnetic one for the oxygen isotopic chain.Indeed, a significant enhancement of the neutron transition probability has been measured both for 18 O and 20 O [9,10].Both from experimental systematics [9] and theoretical considerations [8], a large neutron transition probability is expected also for 22 O. To observe the evolution of nuclear structure effects as the dripline is approached at 24 O, we studied the neutron transition probability in 22 O by use of the (d, d γ ) process. In a parallel work, the (p, p ) reaction [which has a different sensitivity for protons and neutrons than the (d, d ) probe] was applied [11] for this purpose.In our experi...