We show that periodically driven superconducting vortices in the presence of quenched disorder exhibit a transition from reversible to irreversible flow under increasing vortex density or cycle period. This type of behavior has recently been observed for periodically sheared colloidal suspensions and we demonstrate that driven vortex systems exhibit remarkably similar behavior. We also provide evidence that the onset of irreversible behavior is a dynamical phase transition.PACS numbers: 82.70.Dd Recent experiments on periodic shearing of colloidal suspensions in a viscous media where thermal effects are negligible have shown a transition from reversible behavior to an irreversible motion as a function of increasing particle density [1,2]. The reversible and irreversible regimes were identified by measuring the net displacement of the colloids after each cycle of a periodic shear. In the reversible regime, the colloids return to their initial position at the end of each cycle, while in the irreversible regime, the colloids do not return to their starting point. A stroboscopic measurement of the displacements in the irreversible regime reveals that the colloids undergo an anisotropic random walk, with larger displacements in the shear direction. For a given colloid density, there is a threshold for the transition from reversible to irreversible behavior as a function of the strain amplitude or the distance the particles are sheared per cycle. The strain threshold decreases as the colloid concentration increases, indicating that colloid-colloid interactions play an important role in the transition. More recent modeling of this system has provided evidence that the reversible to irreversible transition is a nonequilibrium phase transition with power law divergences near the transition [3]. Other experiments on dilute sheared colloidal suspensions also indicate the importance of the particle interactions in producing irreversible or chaotic flow behaviors [4].In this work, we consider whether the general features of the reversible and irreversible behaviors observed in the sheared colloidal system can be realized in a wider class of nonequilibrium many-particle systems. Driven particles moving over random quenched disorder provide an ideal class of systems for studying this issue [5]. Physical realizations of such systems include vortices in type-II superconductors [6,7], driven Wigner crystals [8], magnetic bubble arrays [9], driven pattern forming systems [10], and colloids moving over random landscapes [11]. In the presence of strong quenched disorder, plastic flow regimes occur in these systems even in the absence of any thermal effects. In the case of vortices, it has been established that transitions from plastic flow to smectic or elastic flow states can be induced as a function of increasing dc driving force [6]. It is not known whether there could also be a reversible to irreversible flow transition in the presence of some form of periodic forcing.To address this question, we examine the specific system o...