An analytical solution is derived for the flow generated by a self-propelling twodimensional Marangoni boat driven by reactive insoluble surfactant on a deep layer of fluid of viscosity µ at zero Reynolds number, capillary number and surface Péclet number. In the model, surfactant emitted from the edges of the boat causes a surface tension disparity across the boat. Once emitted, the surfactant diffuses along the interface and sublimates to the upper gas phase. A linear equation of state relates the surface tension to the surfactant concentration. The propulsion speed of the boat is shown to bewhere Da is a Damköhler number measuring the reaction rate of the surfactant to its surface diffusion, ∆σ is the surface tension disparity between the front and rear of the boat and K 0 is the order-zero modified Bessel function. Explicit expressions for the streamfunction associated with the Stokes flow beneath the boat are found facilitating ready examination of the Marangoni-induced streamlines. An integral formula, derived using the reciprocal theorem, is also given for the propulsion speed of the boat in response to a more general Marangoni stress distribution.