Abstract. Many observables measured at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and the Large Hadron Collider show a smooth transition between proton-proton and protonnucleus collisions (small systems), and nucleus-nucleus collisions (large systems), when represented versus some variable like the multiplicity in the event. In this contribution I review some of the physics mechanisms, named cold nuclear matter effects, that may lead to a collective-like behaviour in small systems beyond the macroscopic description provided by relativistic hydrodynamics. I focus on the nuclear modification of parton densities, single inclusive particle production and correlations.
MotivationIn recent years much attention has been devoted in the high-energy physics community to the experimental findings that indicate a smooth transition between "small" collisions systems (proton-proton, pp, and proton-nucleus, pA) and "large" collision systems (nucleus-nucleus, AA). These findings at both the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), are particularly striking as some of the involved observables have been traditionally considered as signatures of the creation of deconfined partonic matter close to thermodynamical equilibrium -Quark Gluon Plasma -in high-energy AA collisions. They include (see the review [1]) azimuthal asymmetries of apparent collective nature, thermal-like spectra and baryon/strangeness enhancement at small and intermediate transverse momentum respectively, hadrochemistry, interferometry, quarkonium suppression,. . . , the only exception being jet quenching.While this behaviour was first observed in AA and high-multiplicity pA and pp collisions, the interest in this subject has been increased recently by the observation that azimuthal asymmetries and the ridge structure -two particle correlations whose strength extends through several units of pseudorapidity and is maximum at zero (near side region) and π (back-to-back region) azimuthal angle -can also be observed in pp collisions with multiplicities close to minimum bias [2][3][4]. From the theoretical side, two facts augment the importance of these findings even further: the fact that viscous relativistic hydrodynamics is able to provide a description of such data [5] even if the conditions of large opacity and approximate momentum isotropy seem difficult to fulfil in pp; and the applicability of hydrodynamics in far-from-equilibrium situations that was obtained both at strong [6,7] and weak coupling [8]. Thus, the traditional statement that the success of hydrodynamics clearly indicated the