The aim of this study is to investigate if perceived parenting styles have any influence on irrational belief in romantic relations among university students. To determine the students' irrational belief in romantic relations "Belief Inventory in Relations" by Kalkan and to determine their perception for parenting styles "Scale of Parent Dependence" by Tosun and Sümer are used. The study is applied on a randomly selected sample of 266 students studying at OndokuzMayıs University. The students' average age is 22.01; 193 of them are females and 73 are males. T-test and Pearson correlation are used to analyze the data. It has been determined that irrational beliefs in romantic relations and perceived parenting styles do not vary in terms of gender. Moreover, whilst a negative-oriented relationship between belief and mother concern, father concern, father autonomy is observed in romantic relations, no meaningful relation is found between lower dimensions of mothers' overprotection, mother autonomy and fathers' overprotection.Key words: Word, irrational belief in romantic relations, romantic relation, commitment to parents, parentage styles Heading 1: use this style for level one headings.