Kination dominated quintessence models of dark energy have the intriguing feature that the relic abundance of thermal cold dark matter can be significantly enhanced compared to the predictions from standard cosmology. Previous treatments of such models do not include a realistic embedding of inflationary initial conditions. We remedy this situation by constructing a viable inflationary model in which the inflaton and quintessence field are the same scalar degree of freedom. Kination domination is achieved after inflation through a strong push or "kick" of the inflaton, and sufficient reheating can be achieved depending on model parameters. This allows us to explore both model-dependent and model-independent cosmological predictions of this scenario. We find that measurements of the B-mode CMB polarization can rule out this class of scenarios almost model independently. We also discuss other experimentally accessible signatures for this class of models.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe discovery that the universe is dominated by dark energy strongly suggests that the predictions of standard cosmology should be reevaluated. An intriguing possible explanation of the nature of dark energy arises within the quintessence paradigm, in which the dark energy takes the form of a slowly evolving scalar field (see e.g. [1,2,3,4,5]). This scenario is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to test directly in collider experiments, since quintessence models generically require the quintessence field to have gravitationally suppressed interactions with the fields of the Standard Model (SM).However, if the dark energy is in the form of quintessence, the presence of the quintessence field can modify the cosmological evolution and lead to significant departures from standard cosmology. A striking example is the possible interconnection of dark matter and dark energy within quintessence scenarios [6,7,8,9,10]. As first pointed out by Salati [6], the freeze-out of thermal relics can be strongly enhanced in scenarios in which the energy density is dominated by the kinetic energy of the quintessence field (kination domination) during the time of freeze-out, but dilutes away by the time of big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). (Related scenarios were also suggested before by [11,12].) Such kination dominated freeze-out scenarios are then consistent with standard cosmology and predict that the standard relic abundance computed from the parameters extracted from collider measurements will be mismatched from the relic abundance deduced by observational cosmology. This has implications for TeV physics models with thermal dark matter candidates (e.g. models with low energy supersymmetry such as the minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM (MSSM), technicolor models, models with large/warped extra dimensions, or certain classes of little Higgs models), which will be probed at the LHC and other experiments in the foreseeable future.In most of the previous discussions of this class of scenarios [6,7,8,9], the initial condition that the quintessence field kineti...