The distributions of event-by-event harmonic flow coefficients v n for n = 2-4 are measured in √ s N N = 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements are performed using charged particles with transverse momentum p T > 0.5 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range |η| < 2.5 in a dataset of approximately 7 µb −1 recorded in 2010. The shapes of the v n distributions suggest that the associated flow vectors are described by a two-dimensional Gaussian function in central collisions for v 2 and over most of the measured centrality range for v 3 and v 4 . Significant deviations from this function are observed for v 2 in mid-central and peripheral collisions, and a small deviation is observed for v 3 in mid-central collisions. In order to be sensitive to these deviations, it is shown that the commonly used multi-particle cumulants, involving four particles or more, need to be measured with a precision better than a few percent. The v n distributions are also measured independently for charged particles with 0.5 < p T < 1 GeV and p T > 1 GeV. When these distributions are rescaled to the same mean values, the adjusted shapes are found to be nearly the same for these two p T ranges. The v n distributions are compared with the eccentricity distributions from two models for the initial collision geometry: a Glauber model and a model that includes corrections to the initial geometry due to gluon saturation effects. Both models fail to describe the experimental data consistently over most of the measured centrality range. The ATLAS collaboration 41
IntroductionHeavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) create hot, dense matter that is thought to be composed of strongly interacting quarks and gluons. A useful tool to study the properties of this matter is the azimuthal anisotropy of particle emission in the transverse plane [1,2]. This anisotropy has been interpreted as a result of pressure-driven anisotropic expansion (referred to as "flow") of the created matter, and is described by a Fourier expansion of the particle distribution in azimuthal angle φ, around the beam direction:where v n and Φ n represent the magnitude and phase of the n th -order anisotropy of a given event in the momentum space. These quantities can also be conveniently represented by the per-particle "flow vector" [2]: ⇀ v n = (v n cos nΦ n , v n sin nΦ n ). The angles Φ n are commonly referred to as the event plane (EP) angles.In typical non-central [2] heavy ion collisions, the large and dominating v 2 coefficient is associated mainly with the "elliptic" shape of the nuclear overlap. However, v 2 in -1 -
JHEP11(2013)183central (head-on) collisions and the other v n coefficients in general are related to various shape components of the initial state arising from fluctuations of the nucleon positions in the overlap region [3]. The amplitudes of these shape components, characterized by eccentricities ǫ n , can be estimated via a simple Glauber model from the...