<p>The necessity to adapt traditionally accepted methods of ornithological observations for wind powers ecological management suggested on the basis of research carried out in 2009-2015. Some 18 wind powers in the Azov-Black Sea region of Ukraine were examined. The essence of such adaptations is to consider the filed data on bird behavior in different phases of the annual cycle on the infrastructure of wind turbins in the stages of planning, construction and operation of the wind farm. The long-term observations prove the increasing risks for birds during their seasonal migrations from the wind powers. To assess the possible negative impact of wind farms on the birds we designed author's technique, which served as the basis for the computer program «WebBirds» and multi-threaded Web portal for the transfer, storage, access and processing of bird data.</p><p>This adapted methods of collecting field data together with computer program for evaluating the influence of wind farm on the birds and the Web portal for the transmission, storage and processing of data is the basis for the ecological management of wind parks area.</p><p><em>Keywords: birds, wind power, ecological management, Ukraine</em></p>