Thiswork addresses composition profiles and partial sputter yields ofan alloy under ion bombardment. The effects of preferential sputtering, mixing,and gibbsiansegregation have been modelled.The theoretical basisisan integrodifferential equationderivedpreviously, intowhich a feasible expression fora segregation current hasbeen included. A dependenceon composition ofpertinent inputparameterslikerelocation crosssections and atomic volumes has been allowedforbut has notbeen exploredexplicitly. Inthelimit ofhighfluence, a stationary statemay be reachedwitha compositionprofile thatshowsmore or less pronounceddeviations from bulkstoichiometry.Two methods havebeen designedfordirect determination ofsuchstationary solutions. An iterative scheme fornumericalsolution of the nonlinear balance