Rotationally inelastic transitions between the finestructure levels of the 3Σ− g electronic ground state of O2 J. Chem. Phys. 81, 2678 (1984); 10.1063/1.447977 Semiclassical calculations of cross sections for finestructure transitions in Rb (62P) and Cs (82P) colliding with rare gas atoms The emission of XUV photons from collision-induced fine~structure transitions Ne* e P O ,2)+R-+Ne*(1,3p l ) +R-+NeeS) +R+hv(74 nm) has been measured for R=He, Ne, Ar, and KrctS) in a beam-cell experiment. The metastable Ne* velocity ranges from 550 to 1600 m/s. No emission was found for Ne*ep o ) +R. An appropriate detector system enables the determination of absolute 3 P 2 .... 3 PI transition cross sections. The results of Ne*e P 2 ) + He and Ne are compared with theoretical calculations.