The COVID-19 epidemic seems to have slowed things down and made time go faster. The 2019 Beijing International Specialty Conference of Water Security-New Technologies, Strategies, Policies, and Institutions has passed for 3 years (Xia et al., 2021), and a companion featured collection issue in JAWR is now near its closure. A total of 19 papers have been accepted covering seven themes: new technology (4 papers), water quality dynamics (2), urban water security (2), resources carrying capacity (3), integrated and trans-discipline study of water (2), transboundary water (2), and policy and institution (4).
Papers on newtechnology mainly focus on new methodology in model simulations and water resources allocation for both water quantity and water quality. Chen et al. (2021) proposed an interval two-stage classified allocation model to address the nonstationarity and uncertainty in optimal allocations of regional water resources. Jung et al. (2022) overcame the limitations of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model salinity in a watershed within the Rio Grande basin by coupling SWAT with eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), a decision-treebased ensemble machine learning algorithm and identified both temporal and spatial trends. Lou et al. (2022) put forward an informationbased method, supplemented with a coupling strength index, to quantify soil moisture-precipitation feedback characteristics in a case study of Illinois. Rallings et al. (2022) provided a case of hydrologic classification using global datasets to inform water management planning in rapidly developing data-limited regions, such as the Yangtze River, China, based on the functional flow framework of managing rivers to deliver environmental water in the right place, adequate time, and appropriate amount. Two papers covered water quality dynamics, algae growth under different exposure of erythromycin, and the fate and transport of pollutants in vegetation filter strips as well as its roles in the control of non-point source pollution. Ma et al. (2021) found the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants may account for the hormesis of growth and different sensitivity in Chlorella vulgaris and Raphidocelis subcapitata to the exposure of erythromycin. Yu et al. (2022) found by experiment that flow hydrodynamics condition has a significant impact on the fate and transport of colloid pollutant in vegetation filter strips, which is of critical importance in the control of nonpoint source pollution. Two papers showcased urban water security from urban runoffs and inundation and low-impact development (LID). Wang et al. (2022) analyzed the impacts and sensitivity of impervious areas and connectivity on surface runoff under rainfall simulation experiments. Zhou et al. (2022) constructed a hydrological and hydrodynamic coupling model to better simulate urban inundation and analyze the mitigating effects of LID on urban inundation. Three papers explained water resource carrying capacity (WRCC) with different spatial scales at the city, region, ...