We characterized the dissociation of polymer/DNA polyplexes designed for gene delivery using water-soluble quantum dots (QDs). A pH-responsive pentablock copolymer was designed to form stable complexes with plasmid DNA via tertiary amine segments. Dissociation of the polyplex was induced using chloroquine where the efficiency of this process was sensed through changes in QD fluorescence. We found that increasing concentrations of pentablock copolymer and DNA led to quenching of QD fluorescence, while chloroquine alone had no measurable effect. The mechanism of quenching was elucidated by modeling the process as the combination of static and dynamic quenching from the pentablock copolymer and DNA, as well as selfquenching due the bridging of QDs. Tertiary amine homopolymers were also used to study the effect of chain length on quenching. Overall, these QDs were found to be highly effective at monitoring the dissociation of pentablock copolymer/DNA polyplexes in vitro and may have potential for studying the release of DNA within cells. have seen increasing use in conjunction with or as an alternative to organic fluorophores in molecular and celluar imaging for nonviral gene delivery due to their broad excitation spectra, narrow and size-tunable emission spectra, and superior brightness and photostability.1,2 QDs can be coupled either to polymers or DNA to investigate intracellular trafficking of the target particles among stained organelles. 3Ϫ8 In particular for measuring polymerϪDNA interactions, the distance between polymer and DNA can be sensed by Fö rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) in which QDs function as fluorescence energy donors.9Ϫ11 However, regardless of method used, appropriate chemical modifications are required, either for QDs, DNA, or other DNA condensing agents, which leads to complicated processing and/or potential interference with the functionality of the biomolecules or nanocrystals. Here, we report for the first time a facile and sensitive method to examine unpacking of polymerϪDNA polyplexes induced by other competing agents on the basis of QD quenching.We have developed a promising new thermogelling cationic pentablock copolymer vector for sustained gene delivery. 12,13 In addition to favorable transfection efficiencies and low cytotoxicity, these vectors exhibited a selectivity for transfection of cancer cells versus noncancer cells; 14 however, the mechanism behind this selectivity is not fully understood. There have been several studies aimed at elucidating the intracellular mechanism of gene transfection for various polymeric vectors by trafficking studies and other methods. 15Ϫ17 The ability to track the dissociation of polymerϪDNA complexes intracellularly would provide answers to the key questions regarding vector unpackaging and its effect on transfection efficiency. As a common lysosomotropic agent, chloroquine (CLQ) has been found to significantly enhance transfection efficiency in many systems.
18Ϫ20Among the multiple roles CLQ may play in assisting gene delivery, ...