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Genome-Wide Nucleic Acid/Protein Interaction in Breast Cancer
AUTHOR(S)Pamela A. Silver, Ph.D.
FUNDING NUMBERSDAMD17-02-1-0364 Since many types of breast cancer remain untreatable, the research proposal aims to develop novel genomic technology to identify potential therapeutic targets and to aid in diagnosing various types of breast cancer at the molecular level. The overarching goal of the proposal is to develop a technology to screen nucleic-acid protein interactions on a genome scale with a focus on understanding complexes involved in breast cancer. In order to identify the regulatory networks of interactions between RNAs and proteins, we propose to develop a rapid genome-scale method to determine the specific RNA targets and RNA binding sites of proteins. The aims were to 1) discover RNA targets of specific RNA binding proteins and protein complexes focusing on those involved in breast cancer, and 2) define the RNA sequences recognized by proteins using novel technologies. In the current funding period, we have made significant progress on using a genome-wide approach to assess the association of RNA binding proteins with alternatively spliced genes involved in cancer. In addition, we have generated preliminary data suggesting that a regulator of RNA processing affects the expression of certain exons in response to estrogen.
INTRODUCTION:Since many types of breast cancer remain untreatable, the research proposal aims to develop novel genomic technology to identify potential therapeutic targets and to aid in diagnosing various types of breast cancer at the molecular level. The overarching goal of the proposal is to develop a technology to screen nucleic-acid protein interactions on a genome scale with a focus on understanding complexes involved in breast cancer. In order to identify the regulatory networks of interactions between RNAs and proteins, we proposed to develop a rapid genome-scale method to determine the specific RNA targets and RNA binding sites of proteins. The aims were to 1) discover RNA targets of specific RNA binding proteins and 2) define the RNA sequences recognized by proteins using novel nanotechnologies including development of optically encoded beads containing both a unique optical signature and a specific oligonucleotide. This technology is being complemented by genome-wide chromatin inmiunoprecipitation. Progre...