We study the neurogenesis of a distinct subclass of rat striatum gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneurons marked by the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PV). Timed pregnant rats are given an intraperitoneal injection of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a marker of cell proliferation, on designated days between embryonic day (E) 11 and E22. Birthdate of PV neurons is determined in the adult neostriatum and nucleus accumbens by using a BrdU-PV double-labeling immunohistochemical technique. PV-immunoreactive interneurons of the neostriatum show maximum birthrates (>10% double-labeling) between E14-E17, whereas PV-immunoreactive interneurons of the nucleus accumbens show maximum double-labeling between E16-E19. In the neostriatum, caudal PV-immunoreactive neurons are born before those at rostral levels, and lateral PV-immunoreactive neurons become postmitotic before medial neurons. In the postcommissural striatum, ventral PV-immunoreactive neurons become postmitotic before dorsal neurons. In the precommissural striatum, ventral neurons are born before dorsal neurons laterally, but a dorsoventral gradient is seen medially. At corresponding coronal levels, PV-immunoreactive neurons of the nucleus accumbens are born shortly after PV neurons of the neostriatum. Analysis of BrdU labeling intensity in the nucleus accumbens shows that medium spiny projection neurons of the shell become postmitotic before neurons of the core. Similarly, PV-immunoreactive interneurons of the nucleus accumbens shell are born before PV interneurons of the core. Compared with cholinergic interneurons of the neostriatum, PV-immunoreactive interneurons are born later, but neurogenetic gradients are similar. The period of striatum PV interneuron genesis encompasses the period for somatostatin interneurons, although the latter neurons do not show neurogenetic gradients, possibly due to heterogeneous subtypes. Consideration of basal telencephalon neurogenesis suggests that subpopulations of striatum interneurons may share common neurogenetic features with phenotypically similar populations in the basal forebrain, with final morphology and connectivity depending on local cues provided by the host environment.