The large intestine is a site of a variety of diseases. The lesions tend to occur affecting different age groups ranging from early childhood to late adulthood. Patients may present with very vague clinical symptoms ranging from abdominal pain, loose stools, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding per rectum, and change in bowel habit. Patients presenting with repeated symptoms related to lower intestinal pathology are advised to undergo colonoscopic examination.To study clinico-pathological correlation of endoscopic biopsies of large intestine and to study spectrum of large intestinal lesions.The study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital from August 2018 to July 2020. All endoscopic biopsy samples were included in this study. All endoscopic biopsies were performed by high definition colonoscope. Clinical and endoscopic correlation with histopathological diagnosis was performed and results were generated.Total 133 cases were included in this study, out of 133 patients 86 were males and 47 were females. Patients showed wide age range from 11 years to 80 years. There were 25 patients each in age group of 31-40 years and 61-70 years. The most common presenting complaint was loose stools in 66 cases. The most common endoscopic finding was erythema in 82 cases. Out of 133 cases, 105 cases were non neoplastic, 08 cases were benign neoplastic and 20 cases were malignant neoplastic on histopathology.Colonoscopy is very high yielding and safe procedure to perform.Colonoscopic biopsies are proven to be of great importance. Clinical, endoscopic and histopathological correlation is always advisable in large intestinal pathology for early diagnosis and treatment.