The role of receiver operating characteristic curves of transvaginal Doppler velocimetry in predicting malignancy was evaluated in 80 patients with benign and 40 patients with malignant adnexal tumors. The mean values of peak systolic velocity did not differ significantly. Malignant tumors had a significantly higher end diastolic velocity and mean flow velocity than benign tumors. Benign tumors had a significantly higher ratio of peak systolic to end diastolic velocity, pulsatility index, and resistive index than malignant tumors. The diagnostic accuracies in predicting malignancy were as follows: peak systolic velocity, 62%; end diastolic velocity, 79%; ratio of peak systolic to end diastolic velocity, 63%; mean flow velocity, 73%; pulsatility index, 91%; resistive index, RI 92%. Doppler velocimetry analysis allows us to predict the presence of malignancy with limited reliability.