Shade matching in dental practice has been a great challenge for years. Shade matching has been carried out visually which proved unreliable and subjective. Alternatively, digital devices as spectrophotometer, colorimeter and digital photography were introduced which proved reliable but increased cost and time. The combination of patients requesting more esthetic restorations with dentists not willing to invest in expensive solutions, motivated researchers to investigate in new technologies for cost effective shade matching. Dental companies have offered smart apps with proposed techniques to benefit from high resolution built-in cameras of smart phones to facilitate shade matching. These smartphone-based colorimeter apps offered a low-cost, portable shade matching alternative, and allowed storing and sharing of the results. Accuracy and reliability of smart apps in dental shade matching are still questionable and requires development and optimization. It is recommended that researchers and software companies identify professionals' needs and to design appropriate technologies, that would improve and accelerate performance in color selection for both clinicians and dental technicians.