“…The principal object of the present work was, first, to examine the absorption spectra of X-irradiated calcium fluoride crystals of high purity prepared by different methods, and with raw materials from various sources, in the range 190 t o 750 nm, in order t o ascertain the influence of the more common trace impurities, including those of atmospheric origin, on the bands and, second, to attempt t o identify the F-bands of CaF,, SrF,, and BaF, with the aid of theoretical estimates of 1 s-2p transition energies of electrons trapped a t vacant fluorine sites. As the work was being completed Arends [9] published conclusive evidence of the existence of F-centers in calcium and barium fluoride crystals, obtained by electron spin resonance, the respective bands occurring a t about 375 and 660 nm in additively coloured Crystals. These results provided a welcome possibility for checking our calculations, and enabled us t o locate with fair confidence the F-centre in SrF,, for which as yet there are no ESR result,s.…”