Multiple-quantum transitions in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of naturally doped ( N 10 ppm) CaS : Mn" powder are reported. Considerable resolution enhancement is achieved because of the lack of strain broadening of the EPR lines, due to the very good crystallinity of the powder. Multiple-quantum transitions are identified by their linewidth, their saturation behavior, and their magnetic field position. Two-, three-, and five-quantum transitions were identified, but not the four-quantum transitions. A line at g = 1.983 is assigned to Cr"' impurities at low concentration, which also exhibits a two-quantum transition at high microwave power.Cet article traite de ]'etude de transitions RPE multi-quanta dans des poudres de CaS:Mn" naturellement dopees. Les spectres presentent une grande resolution due a l'absence d'elargissement des raies RPE sous l'effet de contraintes dues au desordre, grLce a la tris bonne cristallinite des poudres. Les transitions multi-quanta sont identifiees par leur largeur, leur comportement en saturation et leur position en champ magnetique. Des transitions a deux, trois et cinq quanta ont ete identifiees, mais pas de transitions a quatre quanta. Une raie a g = 1.983 est attribuee a des impuretes Cr"' en faible concentration, qui montrent aussi une transition a deux quanta a forte puissance microonde.