Thermoluminescence (TL) and optical absorption (OA) studies in LiF TLD-100 single crystals are carried out after thermal neutron and y-irradiations. For thermal neutrons, similar to the T L peak VII (300 "C) to peak V (225 "C) height ratio, the 250 nm to 310 nm OA band height ratio is quite large as compared to that for y-rays. The changes in 250 nm band during peak VII readout reveal that the preferential increase in 250 nm OA band for thermal neutrons is associated with an increase in peak VII T L only, thereby indicating that the peculiar LET (linear energy transfer) dependence of peak VII can be a direct consequence of the two-hit nature of its traps. This conclusion receives further support from the similar LET dependence exhibited by M (448 nm)-centres and peak VII centres in TLD-100. The structure, i.e. the two-hit nature, and the position of OA of M-centres in LiF are already well established. I )