Gluons are strong interaction gauge fields which interact between quarks, i.e. constituents of baryons and mesons. Interaction of matters is phenomenologically described by gauge theory of strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational interactions. In electroweak theory, left handed leptons l L and neutrino ν L , right handed leptons l R and left handed quarks u L , d L and right handed quarks u R , d R follow SU (2) × U (1) symmetry. Charge of leptons and quarks define hypercharge Y , and via Higgs mechanism SU (2) L × U (1) Y symmetry forms U (1) em symmetry.Presence of J P = 3/2 + baryons, or N * ++ ∼ uuu suggests a new degree of freedom "color" for quarks, which follows SU (3) symmetry group. Hence the gluon fields are expressed as A a µ where a = 1, 2, • • • , 8 specify the color SU (3) bases, and µ are 4dimensional space-time coordinates. The quantum electrodynamics was extended to quantum chromo dynamics (QCD). Since ∂ µ A a µ is not a free field, the gauge theory requires ghosts that compensates unphysical degrees of freedom of gluons. Gluons, ghosts, leptons and quarks are related by Becchi-Rouet-Stora -Tyuitin (BRST) transformation of electroweak and strong interaction of the U (1) × SU (2) × SU (3) symmetric Faddeev-Popov Lagrangian.In order to describe Hadron dynamics properly, embedding of 4-dimensional space to 5-dimensional space was tried in lattice simulations, and in light front holographic QCD (LFHQCD) approach in which conformally symmetric light-front dynamics without ghost are embedded in AdS 5 , and a parameter that fixes a mass scale was chosen from the Principle of Maximum Conformality. Coulomb or Landau gauge fixed Faddeev-Popov Yang-Mills field equation is known to have the Gribov ambiguity, and tunneling between vacua between different topological structures was proposed by van Baal and collaborators. The symmetry of three colors can be assigned three vectors of quaternion H, whose multiplication on 2 × 2 matrices of Dirac spinors on S 3 induces transformations. Instantons or sphalerons whose presence is expected from conformal equivalence of S 3 × R to R 4 are reviewed. An extension of the dynamics embedded in complex projective space is also discussed.