STATEMENT OF PROBLEM:The discoloration of anterior teeth restoration is one of the material problems demanding retreatment. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the color stability and affecting factors on esthetic restorative materials when subjected to accelerated aging. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was conducted using porcelain disks (IPS Empress 2-glazed, IPS Empress 2-polished), direct restorative resin disks (SYNERGY Duo) and indirect restorative resin disks (Sinfony, TESCERA ATL). Accelerated aging was done by precipitating the specimens in 38� C distilled water and irradiating with xenon light, and the total irradiation was 397.98 KJ/mm. Color and microhardness change of the specimens were measured before accelerated aging and after 100 hours, 200 hours and 300 hours of accelerated aging, and Surface of the specimens were examined with SEM before and after 300 hours of accelerated aging. RESULTS: 1. After 300 hours'accelerated aging, a ΔE value was 3.3 or lower in IPS Empress 2-glazed, IPS Empress 2-polished and Sinfony. 2. After 300 hours' accelerated aging, gloss was lost and surface changes including microcracks were observed in TESCERA ATL and SYNERGY Duo, and color changes of them ranged between 3.58 and 6.40 ΔE units. 3. During 300 hours'accelerated aging, the microhardness of surface was increased by 3.21 -19.64% in all kinds of composites resin. CONCLUSION: After 300 hours'accelerated aging, SEM images IPS Empress 2-glazed, IPS Empress 2-polished and Sinfony showed little morphological change and their color changes were considered to be clinically acceptable. And there was significant correlation between microhardness changes and color changes of composites (P < .05).