As a new step in the study of rectangularly-colored knot polynomials, we reformulate the prescription of [1] for twist knots in the double-column representations R = [rr] in terms of skew Schur polynomials. These, however, are mysteriously shifted from the standard topological locus, what makes further generalization to arbitrary R = [r s ] not quite straightforward.Knot theory is an old and respected branch of mathematics, but recently it also became one of the rapidly developing branches of theoretical physics. This is because the knot polynomials [2] appeared to provide exact non-perturbative answers to Wilson-line averagesin 3d Chern-Simons theory [3] -one of the simplest members of the family of physically relevant Yang-Mills theories.In (1) q is made from the coupling constant k, q = exp 2πi k+N , and A = q N -from the parameter N of the gauge group Sl(N ). Remarkably, in these variables the average is a Laurent polynomial -provided the space-times is simply-connected. Despite Chern-Simons is topological theory, i.e. has nearly trivial dynamics in space-time, dependencies of physical quantities on the other parameters (coupling constants etc) are quite non-trivial -and provide a good model and polygon for the study of renormalization-group and boundary-condition properties. Moreover, from this point of view Chern-Simons seems less trivial than, say, the comprehensible sectors of N = 4 SYM theory (in particular, its integrability properties are far more sophisticated) -still it is exactly solvable,but not yet solved. Added to this are deep connections of Chern-Simons theories to conformal field theory and various string models, especially to toric Calabi-Yau compactifications. The features of knot polynomials are still a set of mysteries, ranging from a hierarchical set of integrality properties to various RG-like evolutions in different parameters, especially in the space of representations R, while the standard methods of non-perturbative analysis, like Ward-identities, AMM/EO topological recursion, integrability techniques etc are not yet fully applicable. Development of the theory is still going through consideration of examples: particular knots K and particular representations R, for which a powerful technique is now developed [4]- [9]. At present stage these examples start being unified into the simplest families, either of knots or of representations. This paper is about a mixture: we provide an exact answer for a one parametric family of twist knots Tw m in a one-parametric family of two-column rectangular representations R = [rr]. It is a new small step along the line, originated in [10,11] In the present paper we address one of the important claims of [17], which in reformulation of [18] states that the rectangular HOMFLY polynomials for defect-zero knots (those where Alexander polynomial has degree one), in particular for the twist family Tw m , can be represented as 1