Background and objectives
Bread is a staple food that is widely consumed worldwide. The present study aimed to evaluate the use of sumac extract as a natural and functional improver on the quality attributes of wheat pan bread. Water sumac extracts were prepared at different sumac powder: water concentrations (w:v; 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 3%, and 5%) and then used in kneading of the dough and compared to the control dough kneaded with only water.
The rheological properties of the dough were measured using farinograph and extensograph, and these properties that include water absorption, development time, consistency, stability, softening, farinograph quality numbers, dough energy, resistance, maximum height, ratio R50/E, and ratio max significantly (p < 0.05) increased by using sumac extracts, while in contrast the dough extensibility decreased. An unexpected increase in bread volume index was obtained, which ranged from 108.87% to 154.84%, compared to the volume of control bread. Lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) of the crust and crumb significantly (p < 0.05) decreased, while redness (a*) increased. The organoleptic preferences of the bread significantly increased as the concentration of sumac extract increased, except for a slight decrease in crumb color preference due to the reddish color. These improvements in pan bread characteristics could be attributed to extractable organic acids, polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins from sumac contributing to the strength of the gluten network.
Water sumac extracts at levels from 0.5% to 5% significantly enhanced the quality and pan bread parameters of the all‐purpose wheat flour dough.
Significance and novelty
The use of sumac extract as a natural and GRAS method to improve pan bread formulation could be beneficial both to the baking industry and to general health.