By numerical calculations we show that the Abelian monopole currents are locally correlated with the density of the SU͑2͒ lattice action. This fact is established for the maximal Abelian projection. Thus, in the maximal Abelian projection, the monopoles are physical objects; they carry the SU͑2͒ action. Calculations on the asymmetric lattice show that the correlation between monopole currents and the density of the SU͑2͒ lattice action also exists in the deconfinement phase of gluodynamics. [S0031-9007(97) The monopoles in the maximal Abelian projection (MaA projection) of SU͑2͒ lattice gluodynamics [1] seem to be responsible for the formation of the flux tube between the test quark-antiquark pair. The SU͑2͒ string tension is well described by the contribution of the Abelian monopole currents [2-4] which satisfy the London equation for a superconductor [5]. The study of monopole creation operators shows that the Abelian monopoles are condensed [6][7][8] in the confinement phase of gluodynamics.On the other hand, the Abelian monopoles arise in the continuum theory [9] from the singular gauge transformation, and it is not clear whether these monopoles are "real" objects. A physical object is something which carriers action, and in the present publication we only study the question of if there are any correlations between Abelian monopole currents and SU͑2͒ action. In Ref.[10] it has found that the total action of SU͑2͒ fields is correlated with the total length of the monopole currents, so there exists a global correlation. Below, we discuss the local correlations between the action density and the monopole currents.Correlators of monopole currents and density of SU͑2͒ action-The simplest quantity which reflects the correlation of the local action density and the monopole current is the relative excess of SU͑2͒ action density in the region near the monopole current. It can be defined as follows. Consider the average action S m on the plaquettes closest to the monopole current j m ͑x͒. Then the relative excess of the action iswhere S is the standard expectation value of the lattice section, S ͗͑1 2 1 2 Tr U P ͒͘. S m is defined as follows: